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An Interdisciplinary Approach for the Management of the Elderly Multimorbid Patient with Breast Cancer Therapy Induced Cardiac Toxicity

New review paper on clinical biomarkers as potential predictors of systemic therapy-induced cardiotoxicity in women with Breast Cancer

Jul 6, 2023

Our review entitled “New Insights in the Era of Clinical Biomarkers as Potential Predictors of Systemic Therapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity in Women with Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review ” was published in Cancers journal. The aim of the systematic review is to provide an overview of the human studies, which explore novel insights into traditional biomarkers and/or novel biomarkers that can be used for the early detection and/or prediction of CTRCD in breast cancer patients undergoing cardiotoxic-cancer therapies.


CARDIOCARE in IncontraDonna Conference

CARDIOCARE in IncontraDonna Conference

Prof. Ketti Mazzocco presented CARDIOCARE during her lecture in the IncontraDonna Conference "Care through Listening, Network, Transdisciplinarity, Empathy"  that was held on June, 11 2024 in Rome, Italy. The conference aimed to illustrate the therapeutic journey,...

CARDIOCARE in Heart and Cancer 2024

CARDIOCARE in Heart and Cancer 2024

Prof. Dimitrios Fotiadis, coordinator of CARDIOCARE, referred to the project in his presentation entitled "Artificial intelligence in prediction and early detection of cardiotoxicity (CARDIOCARE)" in Heart and Cancer 2024: Cardio-Oncology Update that took place from...

CARDIOCARE in the 1st Greek Forum on Cancer

CARDIOCARE in the 1st Greek Forum on Cancer

CARDIOCARE was presented in the Round-table "Digital Health" by Prof. Dimitrios Fotiadis, UOI, in the 1st Greek Forum on Cancer: Policy, Research & Funding Strategies. Moreover Prof. Manolis Tsiknakis, HMU, referred to CARDIOCARE in the Round-table "European...